The Royal College of Defence Studies kindly offers the Armed Forces Parliamentary Trust the opportunity for four parliamentarians to enrol on their course which runs annually from September to July.  The Royal College of Defence Studies offers a post-graduate degree level course in strategic leadership and international strategic studies, focusing on defence and security issues at the grand strategic level – the level at which governments take decisions on these issues both nationally and within the international community.

Seaford House, home of the Royal College of Defence Studies

The course represents the pinnacle of military education and is designed for one-star officers (Commodores, Brigadiers or Air Commodores) prior to promotion to 2-star (Rear Admiral, Major General or Air Vice-Marshal).

The Royal College of Defence Studies attracts the highest level of speakers and students from the UK and overseas and attendance on the course is recognised as a unique and demanding privilege.  The four places reserved for the Armed Forces Parliamentary Trust are typically allocated to Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme students who have graduated previously from at least two single service courses.